Forest Sesshin 2024

08.-15. June in the Spessart forest





As in previous years, we are organising a one-week forest camp in 2024, where we can concentrate entirely on our shared meditation practice away from the noise of everyday life.

Our location is a campsite in the middle of the forest, which will be used exclusively by us. There we set up our roofed open-air dojo. We sleep in tents and prepare meals together.

The whole day follows the traditional rhythm and is structured by sounds. In the morning the bell wakes us up, the wood calls us to meditation and work, the metal calls us to eat and the sounding woods usher in the night's rest.

During the three-day preparation period there are three zazen periods, morning, noon and evening. In between there is ample space for yoga, sharing, walks and more. This is followed by a break day and then the two-day sesshin begins. During this there are at least four meditation periods, which are now only interrupted by meals.


Lead by Zen nun

Brigitte Sei

Riki Stark


 Every year we invite a different person to lead our forest camps. In this way, a new perspective always comes into our meditation practice.

This year the forest camp will be led by Zen nun Brigitte Sei Riki Stark. Brigitte started zazen in 1984 and she has been practising under the guidance of Philippe Coupey since 1994. In 1999 he ordained her as a Zen nun. She lives in Stuttgart, Germany and is there one of the responsibles for the Zen dojo.

Start and end

The date is set so that we can arrive comfortably on Saturday. We will then devote seven days from Sunday to Saturday to the practice of Zen and can return home at leisure on Saturday or Sunday.

Arrival and start

Arrival is on the evening of Saturday 08 June. At 7pm we’ll have dinner together.

Summer camp from Sunday to Saturday

The summer camp will run from Sunday morning, 09 June to Saturday noon, 15 June.

Departure on Saturday

Departure day is Saturday 15 June in the late afternoon.

Set-up team arrives on Friday evening, 07 June

Setting up the forest camp is more demanding than usual. That is why all those who are part of the set-up team will arrive on the evening of Friday, 07 June.


 Your packing list


  • Tent + sleeping mat

    You must bring your own tent with sleeping bag and sleeping mat.
    If you don't have a tent and can't borrow one anywhere, you can sleep in the dojo. We might also be able to bring tents - but that's not certain yet.

  • Really good, waterproof rainwear !!!

  • Tableware: A dinner bowl, spoon and tea towel, your own cup/mug.

    There is no crockery on site there, nil, niente. I.e. you have to take care of your own things.

  • Meditation cushion and pad

  • A sharp kitchen knife

  • Clothing for zazen: If you do not have a kimono or kolomo, please bring loose, comfortable, dark clothing.

  • Torch or mobile phone with lamp.

  • If you have a music instrument, please bring it :)





Arrival by train

The train station "Heigenbrücken" is only 1.5 km away. We also organise a pick-up service for people with a lot of luggage. Just indicate when you arrive and whether you want to run or be picked up when you register.

Arrival by car

The exact address for your navigation system is: Waldzeltplatz Adamsberg, 97833 Heinrichsthaler Forst
Coordinates: 50.03160, 9.35920




Registration and contribution



We ask for a contribution of 190€ on site. This includes food and space rental.

If you are doing well, please give more.

If you are struggling financially, then give as you see fit.

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Impressions from previous Camps